Steel Welds Design Problem 1 - Calculate Fillet weld size for a welded connection:
An eccentric load is applied to the flange of a W14 x 82 column as shown.
The bracket plate transfers the dead load = 15 kips and live load = 25 kips as shown.
What is the minimum weld size needed if E70XX electrode is used?

1. From the steel welds submenu open the weld group properties submenu and then open the section properties calculation for a C-shape weld group, WG5Properties.aspx.
Input the "Title" of the calculation, the "Designer/Checker" information, enter the variables and click on the "Calculate" button and read the results.

2. Next, from the steel welds submenu open the weld moment load calculation, EccentricityEMWeld.aspx.
Input the "Title" of the calculation, the "Designer/Checker" information, enter the variables, click on the "Calculate" button and read the results.
The resultant shear force, ru, on the weld is 6.038 kips/in. The required shear strength of the weld is 28(6.038) = 169.064 kips.

3. Finally, from the steel welds submenu open the fillet weld strength calculation, FilletWeldStrength.aspx.
Input the "Title" of the calculation, the "Designer/Checker" information and enter the variables. To start the trial and error check for strength, try a 7/16" weld.
Click on the "Calculate" button and read the results. The maximum shear strenth, Ru, of the weld is 181.903 kips which is greater than 169.064 kips.

4. Summary
Use a 7/16" fillet weld with a maximum shear strength, Ru, of 181.903 kips which is greater than the required shear strength of 169.064 kips.