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Calculate Volume by Grid Square Method (Borrow Pit Leveling):

Point 1 - previous elevation (Pt1El1 - ft or m)
Point 1 - new elevation (Pt1El2 - ft or m)
Point 2 - previous elevation (Pt2El1 - ft or m)
Point 2 - new elevation (Pt2El2 - ft or m)
Distance between point 1 and 2 (L12 - ft or m)
Point 3 - previous elevation (Pt3El1 - ft or m)
Point 3 - new elevation (Pt3El2 - ft or m)
Point 4 - previous elevation (Pt4El1 - ft or m)
Point 4 - new elevation (Pt4El2 - ft or m)
Distance between point 3 and 4 (L34 - ft or m)
Distance between points 1-2 and 3-4 (L - ft or m)

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Area (1-2) =
Area (3-4) =
Volume =

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